Life lessons often come to us in the strangest of places or the strangest of ways.
I recall several years ago, I was standing at the kitchen sink up to my elbows in bubbles, when I noticed a bee trapped between the window and the curtain. After several minutes of struggle, it fell to the sill unable to fly any longer. I remember thinking I should take it outside, hoping it would fly away and recover from its injury. But, the Lord impressed upon me, “No, I need for you to watch.”
I tried to avert my attention from the battle-weary bee back to the task at hand, but He said again, “I need for you to watch.” So I watched as he struggled.
After several minutes, I was again overwhelmed with the feeling that I should DO something. “Perhaps I should put the poor thing out of its misery?” I suggested. “No, I need for you to watch.” Again, I watched.
Over time, his movements began to slow. His intermittent times of struggle became shorter and the times of no movement became longer. My heart was breaking for this poor being on my window sill. I so desperately wanted his pain to stop and yet, I felt a higher authority staying my hand. And so, I watched, unsure why a loving God would require what I felt was an unloving response to the spectacle unfolding before me.
I felt horrified watching his final moments. I felt as though I were watching a sacred and personal moment when created prepared to meet his Creator. I felt as though I were intruding, as though I should have either some action to avoid the certain conclusion or given the bug his privacy. And yet, I was told no.
When it was finally over and the remains of the bee lay lifeless before me, I asked again, “Why, Lord? Why would you have me only watch such suffering and not DO something?!” And then came the gentlest of answers, “Because love does not look away from suffering.”
I heard very clearly and yet I did not understand.
A year or so following, a dear and sweet loving friend prepared to meet her Creator. She was delivered into His presence following her second battle with cancer.
During her battle, I had the privilege of spending a few nights by her bedside. I did not know the depth of her struggle, she hid it well. But through that time I was reminded that love does not look away.
When one shares the love of Christ with people, one must at time look suffering in the eye. In order to be the hands of our Savior in a sin sick and dying world, one must not recoil or run. One cannot comfort the hurting unless one is close.
Take and hold someone’s hand in the depth of their most frightening moments. This is what Christ the Lord does for us. “I will never leave you nor forsake you.” He promises us in His Word to be there in our darkest hour.
May we be His love to others even in the hard times.
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