As I stood by the window in the gray before sunrise, I waited with anticipation to hear what the Lord would say. He had wakened me with gentle nudging, "Come, be with me. I want to show you something." After a short lull back into the warmth of blankets and sleep, I heard it again, "Come! Be with me!" And so, I left the covers behind and went. I did not want to miss the gift of the company of my Lord.
Still groggy, we went to the kitchen to warm some day-old coffee. As I stood in the cold kitchen drawing warmth from the cup, I leaned against the sink and watched the world light up with the coming of the sun. Slowly the grays shifts to blues and fiery pinks.
From the vantage of this window, I can see mostly trees which, without my glasses, appear only large black masses. If I lean to the right, bits of sky peek through the branches and around the edges.
Slowly the hues brightened, revealing their beauty in splashes of brilliance shining through the darkness. At once, I saw what He was revealing of Himself.
How like that scene is the life we live. From my vantage, the world seemed small and dark. We see only glimpses of His magnificence, small patches of His beauty and light sparkling through the darkness.
Through the window frame of this mortality we see only that which He allows us to see. The framework He uses to structure our lives becomes the context of our individual perspective. Yet, just beyond the frame of the window that is my life and the shadows of the trees which seem to fill it, is the beautiful reality of endless sky.
We see only a glimpse here and there of His Light, obscured by the darkness of what seems to us to be all of reality. Nevertheless, if we just shift ever-so-slightly to the right, we see there is so much more than we can even comprehend of His magnificence.
His glory is infinite! It is not bound by the limits of our perspective. The darkness of the trees is only a shadow of this world.
Just on the other side is endless blue sky and splendid ceaseless sunlight!
Thank You and Praise You, Father for waking me this morning to see You show me the Truth of Yourself once again. I knew when You said, "Come, be with Me." that there was beauty to behold. Oh how I love when You reveal bits of Yourself to me! I treasure our time as You tarry unrushed with me! Thank You, Lord!
Just now as I prayed that, the sun broke through the trees and shone brightly through my window!
Oh how marvelous,
Oh how wonderful,
is the Father's love for me!