If I may be so bold, might I please offer a bit of advice to those readers who are on the cusp of leaving the nest?
There was a time in the life of each adult that we were where you are. I think it fair to say, each of us made some mistakes along the way that we have learned from. I think it equally fair to say that we wish we had listened to those older folks who tried to warn us of the pitfalls before we fell headlong, but didn’t.
As I reflect upon those decisions that were life altering and filled with regret, I can say one thing with a certainty:
PLEASE prayerfully consider what the Lord is calling you to do and then do it, regardless of what you deem the cost to be.
From the bottom of my heart, I warn you that no matter what you do in your lifetime, if it is not what the Lord has planned for you, if it is not His perfect will for you, it will NEVER bring fulfillment to your heart.
“For I know the plans I have for you…plans for a hope and a future…”
Father I pray from the depth of my being that any young person reading this post will take it to heart. I pray that you would reveal to them in clear and certain ways what is Your good and perfect will for their lives. Lord, I pray that you would give them the strength and wisdom to follow where You lead, and protect them from the evil one who would try to steal Your best from them. I pray that you would guide them with Your righteous right hand and prosper them as they follow You in obedience. I pray that You would bring people across their path to mentor and guide and direct them to You.
I pray that they would pursue Your will and plan passionately all the days of their lives and turn not to the left hand nor to the right, Lord. Whisper in their ears, “This is the way, walk ye in it.” And grant them ears that are hearing and attentive.
May they walk with You and serve you every day for the rest of their lives, so that one day they may hear from You, Father, “Well done, my good and faithful servant.” AMEN and AMEN!